The average house price on MODEL COTTAGES is £596,267
The most expensive house in the street is 14 MODEL COTTAGES with an estimated value of £755,255
The cheapest house in the street is 4 MODEL COTTAGES with an estimated value of £443,101
The house which was most recently sold was 14 MODEL COTTAGES, this sold on 10 Jul 2020 for £620,000
The postcode for MODEL COTTAGES is GU24 0QB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 MODEL COTTAGES Semi-Detached £447,544 £78,720 7 Mar 1996
4 MODEL COTTAGES Semi-Detached £443,101 £270,000 1 Feb 2007
6 MODEL COTTAGES Semi-Detached £696,708 £400,000 20 Jul 2006
11 MODEL COTTAGES Semi-Detached £638,730 £247,000 8 Nov 2002
14 MODEL COTTAGES Semi-Detached £755,255 £620,000 10 Jul 2020